
Business Business + Enterprise
Managed WAF Rules with 24 /7 Security Operations Center Yes Yes Yes
SIEM Correlations and Reporting Yes Yes Yes
Unlimited CDN Sites/Request/Edge Rules Yes Yes Yes
Unlimited Web Application Firewall Sites Yes Yes Yes
DDoS Protection Yes Yes Yes
CDN Bandwidth 1 TB/month 10 TB/month 100 TB/month
WAF Bandwidth 7,500 GB/month 15,000 GB/month 75,000 GB/month
DNS Requests 2 MB/month 5 MB/month Unlimited
# of SOC Managed Sites 10 Yes Yes
Global Traffic Management No Yes Yes
Compliance Reporting: PCI, HIPPA No Yes Yes
Security Optimization Assistance No Yes Yes
Threat Update Reviews with the Customer No Bi-monthly Monthly
Dedicated Security Analyst Support No Pool Allocated

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